Green hydrogen is rapidly emerging as a key component in transitioning to a sustainable energy future. Produced from renewable energy sources, this clean-burning fuel offers a range of applications in industries from transport to electricity generation. And, unlike hydrogen produced from fossil fuels, green hydrogen does not emit carbon dioxide, making it a critical tool in the fight against climate change. In this deep dive, we take a look at the critical role that green hydrogen can play in complementing existing renewable energy offerings amid the push toward net zero.

The many uses of hydrogen

The energy revolution is in full swing, and the world is turning towards renewable energy sources to power the future. At Atlas Renewable Energy, we’ve seen first-hand how large industrial energy users in sectors like chemicals and mining are making the switch to solar and wind power to run their operations – slashing carbon emissions while helping to drive a more renewable electricity grid.

However, there are still significant challenges in decarbonizing the global economy completely. Aviation, shipping, long-distance trucking, and heavy industries like concrete and steel manufacturing require high energy density fuel or intense heat, which are difficult to electrify. Hydrogen fuel cells, which have been used to send rockets into space since the 1950s, could be a solution for the heavy-duty transport industry, while hydrogen-fueled planes could reduce the climate impact of flying by up to 75%.

But it’s not just in replacing solid fuel where hydrogen can play a leading role in cleaning up the global economy. It can also store energy, acting as a buffer for renewable energy sources like wind and solar. These sources are subject to fluctuations, producing energy only when the wind blows or the sun shines; hence energy storage solutions are crucial for their widespread deployment. While battery technology has been rapidly developing, it still has some way to go before it can provide sufficient backup for a fully renewable grid. Green hydrogen offers a reliable and scalable solution for energy storage and could be a game-changer for the sustainable energy future.

From Gray to Blue to Green: a look at the different types of Hydrogen

Hydrogen, the most abundant element in the universe, is the key to unlocking a greener future. But to truly harness its potential, we must first understand how hydrogen is produced and its impact on the environment.

Because hydrogen atoms do not exist in nature by themselves, they must be decoupled from the other elements they attach to. The majority of hydrogen currently used is created through a process called steam methane reforming, which uses fossil fuels, such as propane, gasoline, and coal, to create high-temperature steam that reacts with methane to produce hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide. While this method may seem convenient, it comes at a steep cost to the environment – the resulting gray hydrogen generates 830 million metric tons of CO2 emissions each year.

But there’s a cleaner alternative. Blue hydrogen, produced through the same process but with the capture and storage of CO2 emissions, offers a step towards reducing the carbon footprint of hydrogen production.

And then there’s green hydrogen, the cleanest form of all, which is created through the electrolysis of water using renewable energy sources like solar or wind power. The result is completely green hydrogen, with no emissions and only water as a byproduct. Green hydrogen has the potential to revolutionize manufacturing, transportation, and beyond as we strive toward a cleaner, more sustainable world.

Green hydrogen around the world

The Inflation Reduction Act, signed into law by US President Joe Biden in August last year, is widely seen as a turning point for green hydrogen production. Under the law, green hydrogen plants in 2023 can receive a production tax credit of 2.6 cents per kWh and up to $3 per kg of hydrogen, respectively, for the first 10 years of operation, thereby slashing production costs and bolstering the US Department of Energy’s plans to produce 10 million metric tons of clean hydrogen by 2030, which include US$8bn for the development of regional hydrogen hubs.

In Latin America, numerous countries are already working to take advantage of their high renewable energy potential to put national hydrogen roadmaps in place. Chile’s strategy, launched in 2020, sets out specific goals such as being the country with the cheapest green hydrogen on the planet, at less than U$S1.50 per kg by 2030, while Colombia’s roadmap, published in 2021, establishes tax incentives for both green hydrogen projects and their so-called “blue” counterparts – those produced using fossil fuels but with emissions capture – to attract new investments.

Green hydrogen is also proving to be a game-changer in Europe’s quest to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, with the European Commission placing the fuel at the heart of its plan. As part of the European Union hydrogen strategy, which was implemented at the beginning of 2022, all new power plants must be equipped with turbines that are ready to run on a hydrogen-natural gas blend, with plans to certify these turbines for 100% hydrogen use by 2030. The push toward green hydrogen is not limited to power plants. The continent’s steelmakers are also exploring its potential as a substitute for coal in their furnaces, demonstrating that green hydrogen is a practical and scalable solution for reducing carbon emissions across a range of industries.

Green hydrogen and renewables: a perfect partnership

With the growth of solar and wind power, the potential for producing and storing clean hydrogen will continue to expand. Moreover, hydrogen can store surplus renewable energy that is generated when supply exceeds demand, providing a stable source of clean energy for the future. As such, the marriage of green hydrogen and renewable energy is made in sustainable heaven, enabling us to meet tomorrow’s energy demands while safeguarding the planet. 

For green hydrogen producers and consumers, the time to act is now: acquiring renewable energy will pave the way to accelerate both production and adoption. 

In partnership with companies like Atlas Renewable Energy, at the forefront of the energy transition movement, hydrogen producers have an unparalleled opportunity to lead the charge toward a sustainable energy future. We’re excited about the possibilities.

In partnership with Castleberry Media, we are committed to taking care of our planet, therefore, this content is responsible with the environment.

The chemicals industry is a vital sector of the global economy, with products used in a wide range of applications, including agriculture, construction, healthcare, transportation, and electronics. However, it is also one of the most resource-intensive, generating a significant environmental impact. As major chemical companies seek to adopt more sustainable and circular business models, we look at how renewable energy can help the industry reduce its dependence on finite resources, minimize waste and pollution, and contribute to a more sustainable future. 

A vital economic sector with a large environmental footprint

The chemicals industry is an important sector of the global economy, with products used in a wide range of applications, from agriculture to healthcare, construction, transportation, and electronics. According to the International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA), it contributes an estimated US$5.7tn, or 7%, to the world gross domestic product (GDP) through direct, indirect, and induced impacts, supporting 120 million jobs worldwide.

It also drives innovation and technological progress through heavy investment in research and development, driving the development of advanced technologies, such as automation and artificial intelligence.

However, because the production of chemicals requires the extraction of raw materials, the use of energy and water, and the release of emissions and waste, the industry is also one of the most resource-intensive and polluting, with a significant impact on the environment and human health.

According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), the chemicals industry is the largest industrial energy consumer and the third largest industry subsector in terms of direct CO2 emissions. At the same time, the Ellen MacArthur Foundation estimates that by 2050, the plastics sub-sector alone will account for 20% of global oil consumption and 15% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

The circular economy rises up the global agenda

Resource constraints and rising concerns about sustainability are changing how consumers think about chemicals. As brands around the world refocus their offerings towards eco-friendly products, the chemical industry is being called upon to address its environmental footprint and help to come up with cleaner, reusable, recyclable, or compostable inputs.

To reduce the impact on the planet of chemical production and consumption while also creating economic opportunities, the concept of a circular economy has become increasingly relevant in recent years. 

The circular economy is an economic system in which resources are used and reused in a closed loop, with waste and pollution minimized, and materials and products are kept in use for as long as possible. 

By adopting circular business models, the chemical industry can reduce its dependence on virgin materials and energy and create value from waste streams. Chemicals can be used and reused in various applications, and the environmental impact of chemical production and consumption can be minimized. 

The chemicals industry has already taken some steps towards the circular economy model. For example, some companies have implemented closed-loop systems, in which waste from one production process becomes the raw material for another process. Others have developed products with a longer lifespan that can be easily recycled at the end of their life. Additionally, many companies have implemented eco-design principles, which aim to reduce the environmental impact of products by considering the entire life cycle of the product. 

The future is circular 

With the emergence of numerous new regulations and initiatives, the drive towards a circular economy is picking up speed, bringing with it more pressure for chemical companies to rethink their production processes. 

In the United States, the Biden administration has introduced several policies aimed at promoting sustainability and combating climate change. One of the key policies is the Build Back Better plan, which includes measures to invest in clean energy, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and promote sustainable infrastructure. Meanwhile, the recent Inflation Reduction Act provides regulatory incentives and market opportunities for sustainable and circular products and services, encouraging companies to design processes and products to deliver the same or better services for people with recycling and reuse in mind. 

In the European Union (EU), the EU Taxonomy, which sets out a classification system for environmentally sustainable economic activities, includes criteria for the circular economy, such as the use of secondary raw materials and the reduction of waste. In addition, as part of the European Green Deal – a set of policies and initiatives launched by the European Commission in 2019 with the aim of making the EU climate-neutral by 2050 – the Circular Economy Action Plan sets out measures to promote a more circular economy in the EU. The plan includes measures such as eco-design requirements, extended producer responsibility, and the promotion of sustainable products and services. 

Beyond government-led incentives, the investor community is also increasingly targeting funds towards the circular economy model, with Larry Fink, CEO and chairman of BlackRock, calling the concept “a foundational blueprint.” 

Investor engagement is only likely to increase amid the continued emergence of sustainable finance frameworks such as the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), which calls on investors to incorporate the transition to a circular economy into their investment and ownership decisions. 

Renewable energy for a truly circular economy 

Renewable energy is an essential component of the circular economy concept because it addresses one of the main challenges of the linear economy: the reliance on finite and polluting resources, such as fossil fuels. The use of renewable energy sources, such as solar power, reduces the dependence on non-renewable resources and mitigates the environmental impact of energy production. This shift in energy production aligns with the circular economy’s goals, as it promotes the use of resources in a regenerative and sustainable way. 

Renewable energy also plays a crucial role in the circular economy by facilitating the adoption of circular business models. For example, renewable energy can be used to power the production of recycled materials, which are a critical component of circular production systems. Additionally, renewable energy can support the reuse of products by providing energy for remanufacturing and refurbishing. By using renewable energy sources, the circular economy can create a system that is more self-sufficient, reducing the need for virgin materials and non-renewable energy sources. 

Cognizant of this, several companies in the chemicals industry have already made significant strides in incorporating renewable energy into their operations. 

For example, Dow, which aims to obtain 750 MW of its power demand from renewable sources by 2025, has increased the proportion of its total renewable electricity consumption from approximately 13% in 2019 to more than 25% today. 

Covestro, a producer of high-performance plastics, has committed to becoming fully circular and is striving to become climate neutral by 2035 by converting its production sites to use renewable energy. 

Similarly, DSM, a global science-based company in nutrition, health, and sustainable living, has set a target to source 75% of its electricity from renewable sources by 2030. 

Other companies in the chemicals industry that have made significant progress in incorporating renewable energy into their operations include DuPont and BASF, among others. 

The way ahead 

While the chemical industry has made progress toward implementing circular economy principles, there is still much room for improvement. One potential solution to reducing the industry’s environmental impact is through a shift towards renewable energy, which is already being adopted by leading companies in the industry. 

Renewable energy enables the adoption of circular business models, reduces the environmental impact of energy production, and enables the decoupling of economic growth from resource consumption. At Atlas Renewable Energy, we believe that the adoption of renewable energy sources is essential to create a circular economy that is truly regenerative and sustainable. We work with companies in the chemicals industry to uncover new opportunities to reduce their environmental impact, helping to create a more sustainable future for the industry.

In partnership with Castleberry Media, we are committed to taking care of our planet, therefore, this content is responsible with the environment.

Alfredo Solar, general manager of Atlas Renewable Energy in Chile, discusses the value startups bring to Latin America’s renewable energy industry.

Q. What value do startups provide to Atlas and the renewable energy industry?

A. Atlas is a leading solar company, and we have grown in line with industry standards. We have realized that, unlike traditional suppliers, startups are more innovative. Therefore, relying on them is a way to solve problems creatively, adapt to new challenges, and be highly innovative. In short, we don’t believe in rigid solutions; we want to incorporate new visions, ideas, and technologies.

Q. How are the solutions offered by a startup less rigid?

A. They are generally growing companies focused on developing themselves and are open to new solutions. They don’t try to sell you a standard product; instead, they try to find a solution to your problem together with you and to evolve with the company until the optimal answer is found.

 Q. What kind of challenges does the renewable energy industry face that can be solved with the support of startups?

A. There are many. For example, there are issues related to environmental impact, panel temperature, and soil erosion where the plants are installed. There are also challenges associated with the preservation of vegetation.

There are also issues related to the use of resources. For example, radiation calculations, operating algorithms that monitor how the panels follow the sun, more modern electrical equipment, transformer cables, and automation for better performance and more efficient operation of the plants, both in their construction design and in their process, to gain an additional percentage of energy generation.

Q. How can startups contribute to the operation of Atlas Renewable Energy?

 A.  We are calling on startups to offer solutions for the development of the solar industry. We want to bring them on board to jointly develop new technologies or test the technologies they have created. We are not looking for emerging companies that are being born with an idea; we are looking for companies that already have a product. We intend to allow them to test that product, service, or technology on an accurate scale in Atlas plants anywhere in Latin America.     

Q. How have you collaborated with startups in Chile?

A. We have a test lab in one of our plants. We set aside a specific area for that lab and tested different things there. For example, variations of photovoltaic panels, new technologies, and types of albedo, that is to say, the soil that reflects the sunlight so that the panels capture it better.

Some startups have suggested helping us improve the type of soil and the reflection of the soil and to change the materials used. We also have initiatives in terms of cleaning. For example, we use robots that clean the panels without water. These are areas where we have incorporated technologies that are not traditional in the renewable energy industry.  

Q. What do you recommend to startups that aspire to be considered as partners?

A. The first thing is to encourage them to participate. They should contact us, show us their products, and tell us how we could improve our operation with their technology, products or services. From there, the next step is to evaluate their proposals. There are no qualifications: we look for everything that can contribute somehow. We are interested in measuring and testing the efficiency, efficacy, and effectiveness of the solutions they offer us.

 Q. What is the call for the Open Innovation Challenge that Atlas and Endeavor are inviting to participate in?

It is a call to receive proposals for solutions from emerging companies that save us costs and improve our production, allowing us, for example, to predict with greater precision how much energy a plant will generate. We are also looking for solutions that help us operate more efficiently by reducing costs or using fewer resources, such as dry-cleaning robots, which are especially useful in places like the Chilean desert, where water is scarce. Another example is solutions that allow us to monitor plants remotely.

In general, the call for proposals has been excellent. We have received applications from companies across the globe: Europe, America, and Asia. As for the prize, we plan to offer 20,000 dollars to the companies that qualify to test their technologies with Atlas. With that money, a pilot project will be conducted within one to six months. If the pilot project succeeds, we will have more than twenty solar plants where it can be implemented on a massive scale.

Q. What is Endeavor’s participation in the Open Innovation Challenge?

Endeavor has the potential to discover, attract, structure, and systematize innovative ideas. It would have been very challenging for us to do it directly. Endeavor is specialized in approaching and connecting startups with the companies that require the services. In our case, Atlas is a platform for investing in renewable energy. Our goal is to support, and the challenge is to develop beneficial and environmentally friendly technology. The idea is to leave a positive legacy.

Q. How advanced are we in Latin America in the technologies you need at Atlas?

A. All these technologies were created in Europe, where they have been developed for many more years, and many people are thinking about improving and optimizing the industry. Latin America is ready; it is a continent growing enormously in installing renewable energy. There are some pioneering countries: Brazil, Mexico, and Chile. Other countries, such as Peru and Colombia, are just starting and have the greatest potential for growth in renewable energy in Latin America.

We are a company that was born in Latin America. Now we are expanding into Europe, starting with Spain. We will incorporate the products and services of startups that we see as useful in all our plants. Brazil is where Atlas has the largest number of operating plants, and we would be very interested in testing new services. Chile, Mexico, and Uruguay are other countries where we can test them.

Q. How are we doing in Latin America regarding innovation in the renewable energy industry?

A. Latin America is one of the continents with the fastest-growing renewable technologies. In a way, Europe has already gone down this road, and the spaces are much smaller. There, it is increasingly complex to install new renewable plants.

Latin America starts with some pioneering countries (Brazil, Chile, and Mexico), and others just beginning the journey and have everything to grow. This is the case in Colombia, where the penetration of renewables may be around one percent. Latin American countries can grow to whatever they set as a goal. Chile is already at 20 percent of renewable energy and plans to go further. The extreme case is Uruguay, where almost all the energy consumed is renewable. It does not use fossil fuels to generate electricity.

Q. How do you perceive Latin America in terms of the contribution of innovative ideas?

A. I think it is a difficult issue to measure. There will be more and more support for an industry such as renewable energies, which has grown exponentially and will grow the most globally. It is impressive.

There are young people with initiatives that accompany the development of the renewable energy industry with ideas and an eye on spaces with opportunities. We are open to proposals and welcome at any congress or meeting the ideas of those who approach us and offer things.

I encourage those who are in charge of startups. No one should feel that their product or service is not important. They should know that there are spaces to develop projects together. A good idea that may partially solve a problem can be a great solution as long as people dare. The key is to have initiative. There are no bad ideas. A well-executed project can work, and we want to offer the space to test ideas.

Q. Tell us about Atlas’ innovation lab in Chile.

A. It’s in a plant in Chile, very close to Santiago. It is a 120-megawatt plant connected to the grid and is operational. We decided that in that plant, which has a full-scale operation, we could allocate a segment, a section, for different tests. We have been doing this for about three years now.

When, for example, bifacial modules (modules that capture sunlight not only on the upper side but also on the lower side) appeared in the laboratory, we could test different types and see how efficient they were.

The panels follow the sun as it moves during the day. But then, many variables influence their efficiency, such as the slope of the terrain, the shadow of one panel on another, or the shadow that a hill may cast on the plant. We saw a chance to improve if we had a specific algorithm for each row of panels and not a generic one for the whole plant. That gave us one or two percent more energy generation. We can use our laboratory in Chile or adapt our other plants to do the tests.

Ultimately, at Atlas, we are open to experimenting with startups and anyone with the idea that can contribute to the cause of generating renewable energy that is friendly to the planet and profitable for Atlas Renewable Energy.

In partnership with Castleberry Media, we are committed to taking care of our planet, therefore, this content is responsible with the environment.

In the last decade, the growth of renewable energy has surpassed all expectations. The speed at which the global energy transition is taking place has dramatically accelerated this past year. Although the advancement of renewable energy remains 

a cornerstone on the path toward sustainability, it’s now also seen as a way to reduce the effects of geopolitical vulnerability and ensure affordability. 

Going green: incentives

According to the World Economic Forum, clean energy investments are expected to top US$1.4tn in 2022. Growing at an average annual rate of 12% since 2020, they account for almost three-quarters of the growth in overall energy investments. 

In seeking to reduce the risks associated with oil and gas dependency, governments in the US, LATAM and Europe are providing unprecedented forms of support to encourage more private investment into wind, solar, geothermal and hydropower energy, as well as assets relating to research and development for a variety of green technologies. 

Leading towards greater market diversification, this clean energy push is ultimately a win for energy consumers, both large and small, who are looking for greater stability and lower costs. 

Sustainability as a business strategy 

Before this most recent wave of policy incentives in support of an energy transition, there was already a visible trend towards sustainable financing, which generally relates to green energy projects, but increasingly includes investments in companies that seek to improve environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance. 

According to statistics from Boston Consulting Group, the vast majority – 75% – of investors claim to prioritize sustainability performance, and well over half – 60% – of business executives believe that sustainability matters to investors. 

On the one hand, companies can incorporate sustainability measures along their supply chain to lead to cost savings and revenue growth. On the other hand, as it pertains to ESG criteria, sustainability must also be present throughout the value chain, since it speaks to a company’s commitment to good governance, tying into its core values, identity, and overall image.

The benefit of an ESG approach is precisely that it serves to reach profit-driven goals as well as impact-driven Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

Going green: assurances

Although the application of ESG criteria is increasingly seen by investors as an indication of sustainable growth, there’s a definite need to develop better standards, frameworks, and measurement methods to properly determine sustainability profiles. 

While industry players are working to establish these standardized parameters, they also have the option to buy into green bonds as a certified form of investment. When green bonds comply with standards such as the Green Bond Principles and Green Loan Principles, they act as a form of mutual assurance between bond issuer and investors, as both parties vouch for each other’s commitment to sustainability measures. 

Atlas’ green finance framework 

Atlas issued its first green bond in 2018, specifically to refinance two solar plants in Uruguay (El Naranjal and Del Litoral). Moody provided a rating of GB1, the highest score possible, during a green bond assessment. 

To ensure full transparency, at Atlas, we developed our own Green Finance Framework as a way to clearly communicate the impact of our clean energy projects, in accordance with our commitment to an ESG approach. 

Our Green Finance Framework includes both an allocation report and an impact report within the investor letter that’s made available on our website. These reports detail every green finance instrument issued by Atlas, in addition to providing examples of the green projects funded by those instruments. Importantly, unallocated proceeds are also outlined in the report. 

Tracking transparency

The importance of transparency cannot be overlooked when greenwashing threatens the availability of capital for projects focused on implementing lasting environmental change by fostering a net-zero emissions economy from the ground up. 

Since Atlas’ approach is to operate with complete transparency, we also obtained a second opinion from Sustainalytics to vouch for the credibility of our Green Finance Framework, which is also accessible through our website. 

Meeting the momentum 

The energy transition is being pushed not only by government policies, but also by consumer demand, and increasing regulations against carbon emissions. All these factors are leading companies to adopt cleaner production methods, at a much quicker pace than ever before. 

In fact, projections indicate that renewables will generate 60% of the world’s electricity by 2035. If that’s the case, then companies should consider making the switch sooner rather than later. For starters, building a reputation as a company that values sustainability and ESG is a cumulative practice – meaning that the sooner you start, the more credibility you build. 

In addition, while solar energy is known to be the most affordable option, this is still a resource that’s channeled through energy procurement contracts, which may be subjected to competitive bidding as more companies seek to tap into these energy sources from in-demand providers. 

The benefits of working with Atlas

The benefits of working with established producers such as Atlas can be summed up in five points:

1Expanding BusinessAtlas has the advantage of solid on-the-ground experience in numerous jurisdictions over many years, which means that our solar plant locations were chosen for their ability to provide maximum output, while younger producers may not have access to the most ideal places from which to operate. We have a varied pipeline of rigorously assessed projects, and we’re ready to build near industrial hubs in the markets where we have presence. 
2Quality of our projectsOne of our most valuable assets, which allows us to continue growing on a national and international level, and with the continued support from our communities and governments. Thanks to the relationships we have built with providers and contractors, we have a 100% execution success rate across all of our contracted projects.
3Strong operating modelsAtlas Renewable Energy’s capital source and overall backing comes from Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP), a leading independent infrastructure fund manager with over US$84bn under management, with a robust renewable energy portfolio of over 19 GW of operating and construction capacity worldwide. With this backing, and our strong operating model of systems and processes, we can focus on innovation without sacrificing production and  negotiate better value contracts with global suppliers we trust and known can deliver.
4A dedicated workforceFollowing extensive consultation with communities local to the sites where we operate, we have established technically-focused vocational education and training programs that create not just job opportunities during construction, but also a legacy of improved skills and employability in the local area. Within the company, we have developed a dynamic corporate culture that naturally creates the conditions to generate diversity, and from that point we have actively worked to create inclusivity, ensuring that fresh viewpoints and new perspectives are given the space to grow.
5Regulatory credibilityOur compliance with green bond standards and the initiative to set up our own Green Finance Framework demonstrates our commitment to do well by doing good, protecting clients against risk and positioning Atlas as a trustworthy partner for companies and investors who are looking to join the energy transition. 

In partnership with Castleberry Media, we are committed to taking care of our planet, therefore, this content is responsible with the environment.

With its commitment to building true partnerships with its clients and partners, Atlas Renewable Energy is reimagining the way companies think about their energy strategy.

At Atlas, the goal is not just to provide renewable energy solutions, but to work closely with clients to understand their specific objectives and goals – and help them to achieve them. Whether it’s incorporating sustainable practices, promoting diversity and inclusion, or working out bespoke energy profile solutions for complex company structures, Atlas becomes a true extension of its clients’ teams, to ensure they are not just meeting their energy needs, but also reaching their wider financial and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) objectives.

In this Q&A, we sit down with Eddaly Cuesta, Director of Sustainability at Atlas Renewable Energy, to learn how the company’s unique approach to partnership and collaboration is driving real change for the better.

Q. How would you define Atlas’ strategy for building relationships and collaborating with clients?

A. Atlas is recognized for our high standards in developing, constructing, and operating renewable energy projects. We have a proven successful track record in renewable energy development across the Americas, and we’re a regional leader in delivering competitive, clean energy solutions to large corporate customers. Our success has been underpinned by our commitment to delivering customer-focused energy solutions with the goal of providing green energy at competitive costs through tailor-made, innovative solutions. However, what really sets us apart are our efforts to ensure that every single project we do delivers multiple benefits across various dimensions.  

Q. What are Atlas’ main areas of focus when it comes to creating a wider impact?

A. As a developer of renewable energy projects, we are a key component in transitioning to a low-carbon global economy. The projects we have under operation have avoided millions of tons of CO2 from being released into the atmosphere. Although this is an important achievement, our efforts don’t stop there. Our mission is to positively disrupt and elevate the energy sector by putting sustainability and social progress at the center of everything we do, to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all.

To achieve this, we have a clear alignment with several of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), core pillars that define our view of what sustainability means, and a range of programs and investments to turn these pillars into practical action – both inside Atlas and in the locations and communities where we operate and where our projects are built.

Q. How do you put these aims into practice?

A. Incorporating social sustainability and community benefits into renewable energy projects is a major focus for us. We develop and design our social investment projects hand in hand with the communities where we operate, via a participatory process where the communities themselves identify their social and economic development needs.

One recent example is Project Carmen at our La Pimienta Solar Plant in Mexico. This program, in partnership with the local health authorities, brought accessible healthcare to the nearby communities through the construction, rehabilitation and equipment of two health centers. Atlas also supported the community with the installation of dry bathrooms and wood-saving stoves for over 40 families.

We are also committed to advocating for gender equality. Through our flagship program, We Are All Part of the Same Energy, we create opportunities for female workers training programs and dedicated hiring policies to reduce inequalities and promote the acquisition of skills and technical knowledge for women in what is still a male-dominated industry.

Using market studies, we identify skill gaps and job opportunities and then design our training to meet those needs. We then work to include a proportion of the women trained either into our supply chains and mobilize our contractors to prioritize their inclusion in their hiring process or facilitate linkages with other industries in our area of influence.

Beyond gender equality, we are also committed to diversity and inclusion. We operate across diverse markets and, as a result, we are cognizant of the need to tailor our approach to the societal backdrop of the area in which we operate to have the greatest impact.

One example of this is our Jacarandá project in Brazil. Our hiring policies for that project have been structured to ensure that at least 35% of the total workforce is made up of self proclaimed African descent, who are often excluded from employment opportunities because of racial discrimination. To date, 74% of the women and 79% of the men currently employed at Jacarandá are of African descent. 

At that same site, we also worked with the community to elevate and celebrate their cultural heritage, which culminated in the publication of Memorias do povo do terreiro, a collection of stories about the African religious heritage in contemporary Brazil.

We also practice what we preach within our own organization: through our recruitment policy and talent and mentoring programs, we have created an internal culture that embraces equal opportunities, non-discrimination, and respect for diversity.

Q. How does Atlas leverage its sustainability strategy to enable its clients to achieve their own objectives?

A. We have made a firm commitment to environmental protection, sustainable economic growth and social wellbeing, and we have incorporated this commitment across our values, policies and programs. Around the world, corporations are increasingly becoming aware of the urgency of adopting ambitious sustainability goals, be that reducing CO2 emissions and greening their energy matrix, or developing pioneering and ambitious social community engagement programs to promote diversity and inclusion. In this regard, Atlas is a vital strategic partner. Beyond the emissions reduction benefits of implementing a clean energy solution, our projects provide clients with the opportunity to maximize their positive impact across pillars such as bolstering quality education, increasing female participation in the workforce, and enhancing sustainable living and the circular economy.

Our recent partnership with leading materials science company Dow is a good illustration of this. Not only does the contract to secure renewable power capacity contribute to achieving one of Dow’s goals to obtain 750 MW of its power demand from renewable sources and reduce its net annual emissions by 15% from 2020 to 2030, but we were also able to align with Dow’s ESG principles that encourage economic growth and social development.

We believe every business should be a sustainable business, and by bringing the capabilities from our investments into ESG, diversity and inclusion to our clients, we can accompany them on their journey to creating a better future for all.

In partnership with Castleberry Media, we are committed to taking care of our planet, therefore, this content is responsible with the environment.

Otherwise known as the Conferences of the Parties (COP), the UN Climate Change Conference has taken place every year since 1995. It’s publicized as an important event in the global political calendar, carving out the space for politicians, experts, private sector stakeholders, and civil society groups to find ways to tackle the issue of climate change. 

However, despite meeting every year for the past 27 years, world leaders have not been able to curb global warming, as evidenced by the fact that global surface temperatures have steadily increased by 0.2°C per decade in the past 30 years

From 1990 to 2019, the total warming effect from greenhouse gases added by humans to the Earth’s atmosphere increased by 45%.

Notably, COP27 saw fewer world leaders in attendance in comparison to last year’s summit, which leads many to question not only the effectiveness of this type of political get-together, but also the willingness of politicians the world over to actually acknowledge the importance of climate action. 

Whose responsibility is it?

The Paris Agreement (signed by 196 parties during 2015’s COP21 in Paris) is perhaps the most recognizable measure taken by COP members to lay down ground rules and specific goals, which need to be met on both national and international levels. Importantly, the Paris Agreement also included the capacity of countries to cooperate in reducing their greenhouse gas emissions. 

Climate change is a global emergency that goes beyond national borders. It is an issue that requires international cooperation and coordinated solutions at all levels.
United Nations 

Cooperation between nations is imperative in order to tackle this global issue, but it’s vitally important to recognize the discrepancy of cause and effect between countries: most greenhouse emissions come from developed nations, while developing countries, who have contributed the least to global warming, are paying the highest price by finding themselves at the front lines of natural disasters. 

Loss and damage, and climate justice

With COP27 having taken place in Egypt, conference attendees couldn’t help but focus on developing markets, which are some of the most vulnerable despite being among the lowest emitters of greenhouse gases. Generally, countries that bear the brunt of climate-related disasters (floods, droughts, fires) often do not have the resources needed to recover. 

That’s why one of the most important points of discussion during COP27 was the idea that developed nations should provide financial support so as to address this imbalance. Despite long-time opposition from the US and the EU, the conference closed with a breakthrough agreement to provide “loss and damage” funding for vulnerable countries hit hard by climate disasters – marking an important step in the right direction towards climate justice. 

“This outcome moves us forward,” said Simon Stiell, UN Climate Change Executive Secretary. “We have determined a way forward on a decades-long conversation on funding for loss and damage – deliberating over how we address the impacts on communities whose lives and livelihoods have been ruined by the very worst impacts of climate change.”

The goals that matter most

While climate change is a global issue, countries are held individually accountable by way of their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). The Paris Agreement does not specifically define the actions that each country must take to meet their NDCs, but it does stipulate that all countries must provide an update on their progress every five years. 

The benchmarks towards progress are there, but the lines are blurred enough that countries such as Switzerland are finding ways to finance green projects outside of their own borders and taking credit for reduced emissions, without necessarily changing their own policies or reducing their own national footprint. 

By allowing these tactics, which conflate international collaboration with national responsibility, the COP and Paris Agreement risk losing credibility. Already, many participating governments face accusations of greenwashing from think tanks, NGOs, and civil society groups. It’s important to stress the role that civil society plays, most of all, in holding larger players accountable, because real change can only be said to have taken place once civil society benefits. 

An ESG approach is the only way to measure lasting impact, since it looks out for the benefit of society, as much as the benefit of the environment and the economic bottom line. It’s no longer enough to simply make pledges – it’s time for real action. Read more on how businesses can avoid greenwashing and act for real change, here.

From pledge to practice 

According to Climate Action Tracker, an independent scientific analysis that tracks government climate action and measures it against the agreed-upon Paris Agreements, only 21 countries submitted their updated national climate commitments one week prior to COP27. 

If we are to continue counting on mechanisms like COP and the Paris Agreement, it’s important to question their effectiveness. Operating in a gray area, the Agreement is legally binding, but there are no penalties for countries that don’t meet their targets. 

The geopolitical crisis of 2022 has certainly pushed governments to embrace more alternative energy sources, and we have seen some historic measures in support of green energy (most notably, Biden’s IRA). However, many EU countries have also ramped up coal-fired power generation, in addition to forming new deals with countries in Africa to explore new gas fields. 

All this in spite of the warnings by the International Energy Agency that any more fossil fuel development will definitely lead to a climate breakdown

However, there are reasons for optimism. According to recent data released by energy think-tank Ember, global electricity demand growth was met entirely by renewable power in the first half of 2022, demonstrating that the world can be powered without fossil fuels – as long as the will to do so exists. 

From public to private 

As governments fall short of their pledges, the private sector is determinedly shifting towards sustainable initiatives. More and more, investors are seeking stability, which forces them to look at issues and factors beyond traditional financial analysis. 

The concept of sustainable financing goes hand in hand with environmental and social impact assessment. Climate change features prominently within sustainable finance considerations, because there are lots of risk factors involved when it comes to global warming. These can include physical risks, such as damages from weather-related events. Although these may be difficult to quantify, insurance losses from climate-related natural disasters are said to be four times higher than 40 years ago. 

It’s no wonder that growing numbers of influential companies are joining the RE100 initiative, a global corporate renewable energy movement. 

In general, global energy investments are set to increase by 8% in 2022, with most of these being directed towards green energy. But while COP26 was seen as the conference to shift more of the weight from governments towards the private sector, it’s up to this year’s COP27 to further define the parameters by which the private sector can best finance the energy transition. 

Leading examples

On the road towards net zero, we believe it’s important to be critical, while also taking note of good practices. Projects such as the ones below are leading by example, affecting change on a regional level, and inspiring change on a global scale.   

CountryProjectWhat sets it apart 
EcuadorRights of Nature The first country in the world to recognize the rights of nature in its constitution, setting a precedent for others to do the same. 
European UnionThe European Climate LawMakes the EU’s commitment to reaching climate neutrality by 2050 legally binding, and sets an intermediate target of reducing net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels.
United StatesPresident’s Emergency Plan for Adaptation and Resilience, PREPAREThe United States is rapidly increasing its support of adaptation and resilience programming to help more than half a billion people in developing countries adapt to and manage the impacts of climate change.

Moving forward

One of the benefits of having a global summit for climate change is how it sets up, on a world stage, the call for urgent climate action. Goals such as net zero by 2050, for example, solidify a narrative that places the future at our doorstep. 

The fact remains that temperatures continue to rise. It’s also a fact that the energy sector has a major impact on climate, as it accounts for roughly two thirds of all greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, energy needs continue to grow. 

A clean energy strategy is therefore a surefire way to meet national (public and private) and international net zero targets. Why not work with Atlas, on the road to meeting those targets? 

Atlas Renewable Energy was conceived with sustainability at its core. It develops, builds, finances, and operates clean renewable energy projects that enable companies to power their operations sustainably.

With a range of services, from renewable power purchase agreements (PPAs) to renewable energy certificates (RECs), Atlas helps large energy consumers across industries manage their transition to net zero and track their performance against long-term environmental and emissions targets.

To find out more about Atlas Renewable Energy’s approach and how it can align your company with net zero, please contact:

In partnership with Castleberry Media, we are committed to taking care of our planet, therefore, this content is responsible with the environment.

Brazil is the biggest electricity market in Latin America and one of the largest in electricity generation capacity in the world. The current electricity market design in Brazil is a combination of regulated and free markets along with a reserve energy market and contains numerous complexities – but also several opportunities. One of those is self-generation – the production of electricity for companies’ own consumption.

Figures from Brazil’s Energy Research Office (EPE) show that since 2009, the installed capacity of self-generators in Brazil has more than doubled to over 25.3 GW, and for good reason: self-generation enables companies to cut costs, reduce risks of lack of supply and increase the sustainability of their activities.

Lucas Salgado, senior commercial manager at Atlas Renewable Energy, explains the trend and outlines how companies with operations in Brazil can take advantage of self-generation to achieve their energy strategy goals, without having to become experts in the electricity market.

Q: What are the benefits of self-generation of electricity?

A: In Brazil, self-generation has a very clear economic benefit, including savings on sectorial charges like CDE (Conta de Desenvolvimento Energético), CCC (Conta de Consumo de Combustíveis), and Proinfa. Companies can also benefit from incentivized energy and have a 50% discount on transmission or distribution tariffs (see graphic below). This tax applies to electricity consumption, and the rate differs by region and by voltage level. This can represent a saving of as much as 25% on a company’s energy tariff. Beyond the economic benefits, though, self-generation can enable companies to achieve their sustainability goals, since they are supporting the energy transition by investing in renewable energy and can benefit from carbon credits or renewable energy certificates (RECs).

Q: How does self-generation work in Brazil?

A: Industrial self-generators are large energy consumers who build power plants that totally or partially meet their own demands. In Brazil, this has often been in the shape of mining companies that run their own hydropower and thermal power facilities to power their operations, although in recent years there has been a transition to wind and photovoltaic complexes. Nowadays, consumers can enter special-purpose partnerships with electricity producers that enable them to become shareholders in an electricity project, making them self-generators in their own right. A model that has already benefited companies from multiple sectors such as metallurgy, chemical, retail, and data centers as shown on the recent PPAs Atlas has celebrated with Albras and Unipar Carbocloro.

Q: How do these special-purpose partnerships work?

A: Essentially, they create a framework whereby Atlas and the Customer co-invest together in a company, and Atlas can handle the EPC and the financing until reaching the COD of the project, safely based on Atlas’ track record and housed in our proprietary portfolio.

Q: At what phase in the construction and development of a renewable energy project can companies enter into a self-generation partnership?

A: They can enter at any phase of the project and the decision of what point of the project the off-taker will invest in will depend on their risk assessment. We are prepared to support the off-taker at any point in their decision of this process.

Q: Do companies need to be large energy consumers to benefit from self-generation?

A: Our clients do still tend to be the large consumers in sectors such as mining and chemicals, and we’re seeing growth in the green hydrogen sector, too. Usually, projects range from 400 to 700 megawatts of power capacity. However, using the partnership structure, Atlas can offer self-generation to smaller energy consumers. By doing this, we are democratizing access to the self-generation market, and enabling it to reach scale.

Q: Do companies need to be physically located near the power plant?

A: No, the plant doesn’t need to be on-site, and nor does it have to be in the same price market within Brazil. We can offer a portfolio in whichever state or price market best suits the client – one example is the Albras self-generation PPA project that we signed recently. In this case, the client is located in the north of Brazil, while our PV plant is located in the southeastern energy submarket of the country.

We manage the risks for them and deliver the energy into their price market. Our solutions are as tailor-made as possible based on our development portfolio. For example, solar projects in different regions can meet the energy needs of different industrial facilities, but we can also carry out long-term swaps both within our internal energy portfolio and with trading companies to give the client what they need, which is usually 100% renewable energy in the same price market as their industrial plants.

Another interesting factor for our clients is the ESG and sustainability aspect that we embed into each of our projects. This means that as self-generators in partnership with us, clients are not only investors in a renewable energy project, but they are also supporting initiatives that positively impact their community and be part of all of them through our ESG services.

Q: What do companies need to bear in mind when choosing a partner for a self-generation project?

A: First of all, having a partner that understands the legal and regulatory landscape is absolutely vital. Proposed legal changes on the horizon could impact the ability of companies to take advantage of the benefits of self-generation, so there really is a window of opportunity here, but companies need to move quickly.  Second, is key to establish a partnership with a company with a strong implementation track-record. A company that is able to develop, finance, and build a large renewable cluster.

This is also a long-term partnership. Some of the key aspects to look out for are the ability of your producer to be able to manage your energy risks, and that the project can be implemented on time. At Atlas, our approach is to engage the whole company in the process. Our finance team talks with the client’s finance team; our legal team talks with the client’s legal team, and so on. This is a joint venture, and there needs to be alignment and trust between both sides.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a large multinational or a smaller energy consumer, you need to have your whole operation engaged in this process because there can be accounting issues, legal issues, and regulatory issues. It is a complex process, but, with the right partner, the benefits it can provide definitely make it worthwhile.

In partnership with Castleberry Media, we are committed to taking care of our planet, therefore, this content is responsible with the environment.

Last year, International Renewable Energy Certificate (I-REC) sales in Brazil more than doubled to 9.5 million, up from 4 million in 2020. Atlas Renewable Energy takes a look at the trend, and explains what companies need to know before using I-RECs to meet their sustainability objectives. 

“We’re receiving an increasing number of enquiries from international and national companies with operations in Brazil about I-RECs,” says Felipe Maldonado, commercial analyst at Atlas Renewable Energy, which holds one of the largest solar energy portfolios in Brazil, with almost 1.6 GW of contracted projects. It recently became the first solar developer in the country to offer Brazilian RECs that foster all of the 17 United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

“These enquiries fall into two main groups: companies that already understand I-RECs and want to purchase them, and those who are looking for guidance,” says Maldonado. He adds that companies are particularly interested in understanding how I-RECs can help them achieve their sustainability goals, and how they differ from other instruments such as carbon credits.  

I-RECs are just part of the solution

Although it may be tempting for executives to think that simply purchasing I-RECs is enough to become “green”, this is far from the case. Numerous regulatory bodies around the world, from the Securities Exchange Commission in the United States to the Monetary Authority of Singapore, are cracking down on so-called corporate greenwashing, enforcing disclosure standards on environmental, social and governance (ESG) reports as vigorously as they uphold rules for other corporate reporting. There are no shortcuts here, but I-RECs should – and can – be used as part of a wider integrated climate action strategy. 

“The first step is to carry out a carbon inventory in order to find out the level of CO2 emissions your company is responsible for,” says Maldonado. Armed with this information, companies can then take steps to reduce their carbon footprint, through changes in production, transportation, and manufacturing practices, for example. For large electricity users, making the switch to renewables through a partnership with Atlas is an obvious way of slashing emissions. “Where I-RECs – and other instruments such as carbon credits – come in is for those emissions that are impossible to reduce,” explains Maldonado. 

Globally, the I-REC market is still at a relatively nascent stage, but demand is increasing as more and more corporations commit to 100% renewable energy consumption and climate disclosure objectives as laid out by the CDP and RE100. 

“Although it’s not yet mandatory for companies to neutralise their carbon footprint, many business leaders are taking proactive steps to align their environmental strategy with global best practice,” says Maldonado, adding that growing reputational risk and pressure from customers are driving an increasing number of companies to look at ways of slashing their CO2 emissions. “Our approach at Atlas is to partner with those companies to help them leverage I-RECs to reach their goals.” 

Avoiding greenwashing

These goals include meeting compliance with external and internal renewable energy targets, as well as giving their environmental claims real substance – helping them to avoid greenwashing. “One I-REC avoids the emissions created by the use of 1 MWh,” says Maldonado. In 2021, every 1MWh of energy consumed in Brazil created 120kg of carbon emissions – up from around 50 kg in 2020. This huge increase was caused by a rise in thermoelectric generation as a result of the worst drought in almost a century, which saw the country’s hydroelectric capacity fall as dams dried up. 

“In a country like Brazil where the effects of climate change are already so visible, companies that are serious about tackling their emissions can make an important statement through the use of I-RECs, which enable them to make certain claims about their climate impact,” says Maldonado, adding that several companies seek to do this in order to strengthen their brand value and gain a competitive edge in the future low-carbon economy. “However, it’s vital to do this in the right way. Before making any claims, they need to bring in a consultancy to verify that they are using the appropriate number of I-RECs to compensate for their emissions. By doing this, the company – and its customers – can ensure that they are in line with the Scope 2 guidance of the GHG Protocol.” 

Gaining internal buy-in

Given the current global economic and geopolitical backdrop, convincing already overburdened business units to invest in I-RECs or carry out voluntary climate action activity is often a challenge for sustainability officers within large companies. “Overwhelmingly, ESG teams face challenges in developing a roadmap for achieving net-zero,” says Maldonado. “Management wants to report their carbon emissions and reduce their footprints, and they want to demonstrate credibility to investors, customers, civil society, and other stakeholders, but finding a way to do this while also leading the business through challenging times often represents a barrier.”

However, companies don’t need to go it alone. Numerous consultancy firms can help them develop an I-REC strategy that best matches their goals.

“For companies that don’t have in-house expertise on GHG accounting, the liaison tends to be either a broker or a consulting company. These intermediaries ensure their clients buy I-RECs to help offset their emissions properly, taking the uncertainty out of the process,” says Maldonado. “As internal conversations evolve and executives within companies become more familiar with the finer details of decarbonization, they tend to reach out to us directly via their in-house ESG or sustainability teams.”

Contributing to a more sustainable future for Brazil

As more and more companies with operations in Brazil look for tangible ways to deliver on their renewable energy promises, I-RECs are demonstrating their worth as the most credible way to account, track and assign ownership of renewable energy, as well as encourage the generation of more clean electricity by providing a demand signal to the market.

In partnership with Castleberry Media, we are committed to taking care of our planet, therefore, this content is responsible with the environment.

As a growing number of companies around the world publish commitments to reduce their greenhouse-gas emissions in order to reach net zero, the pressure is on to ensure they live up to their claims. International Renewable Energy Certificates (I-RECs) can provide a certifiable way of proving corporate action to slash scope 2 emissions. Atlas Renewable Energy explains how.

Investor and regulatory scrutiny of climate risk is rising, and consumers and employees are increasingly factoring sustainability into their decisions. It’s no longer good enough to make ambiguous commitments. Indeed, proposed changes to the US’s Securities and Exchange Commission’s rules on reporting risk will mean that companies will need to provide detailed reporting of their climate-related risks, emissions, and net-zero transition plans. Similar measures are also underway in the European Union, Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom.

Among the proposed rules are better reporting of Scope 2 emissions, which are emissions generated by the energy a company consumes. Nearly 40% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions can be traced to energy generation, which means taking action to reduce Scope 2 emissions is vitally important to limit global temperature rises.

Achieving this means tackling the carbon footprint of electricity use. While energy conservation measures and efficiency upgrades represent low-hanging fruit that companies can take advantage of to start slashing emissions, the real action comes from switching to clean electricity. By using and producing renewable energy, companies can take real action on climate change and meet increasingly stringent expectations from investors, regulators, and consumers.

However, many businesses are still unable to source renewable energy directly. 

For example, this could be due to the small size of energy demand at a company’s numerous small, scattered facilities, which make it more challenging to execute contracted purchases. It could be a result of a lack of availability of renewable energy in countries in which the company has facilities, or it could be due to the type of electricity market or regulations in the location where the company operates.

While all markets will develop eventually, companies need a solution now. 

In locations with limited or no opportunity to procure economically priced, commercial quantities of renewable electricity, and when a company has reached the limit of the energy demand reduction and renewable energy production it can achieve, the purchase of energy attribute certificates (EAC) enables them to cover the last mile towards 100% renewable energy. This allows them to reduce Scope 2 emissions, claim environmental attributes of renewable electricity, and meet sustainability commitments and goals.

The types of EACs available in each market differ, but for most of Atlas’s customers, the I-REC scheme is the most relevant. 

The I-REC Standard is an internationally recognized method for electricity attribute allocation. Each I-REC represents the unique ownership of 1 MWh of renewable energy that has been produced and injected into the grid.

But for I-REC purchases to contribute to meeting scope 2 emission reduction goals, it’s vital to use them correctly. 

The role of EACs in reporting against scope 2 emissions has been brought into question recently, following a study published in Nature Climate Change by a team of researchers, who found that some companies’ environmental claims were exaggerated because the amount of energy reported on the certificates was not always equal to what they were publicly stating.

In response, the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi), a partnership between CDP, the United Nations Global Compact, World Resources Institute (WRI), and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), encourages the use of EACs based on the Greenhouse Gas Protocol’s (GHGP) scope 2 guidance, has highlighted the need for boosting transparency about how companies meet their targets.

I-RECs serve to increase the transparency of the energy sector and provide clarity about the use of renewable electricity among end-consumers. The I-REC Standard ensures that issued certificates adhere to major international sustainability and carbon accountability standards, including the GHGP, CDP, and RE100, and adhere to stakeholder expectations of industry best practices. 

But for them to make a difference under the GHG Protocol Scope 2 guidance, they need to impact emissions properly. The GHG guidance is clear on this; when it comes to reporting Scope 2 emissions, there is a ‘location-based’ approach that reflects the average emissions intensity of the local grids on which energy consumption occurs and a ‘market-based’ approach that reflects emissions from electricity generation that companies have purposefully chosen, enabling businesses to use their purchasing power to accelerate the deployment of renewable energy.

What this means is that companies should purchase I-RECs from generation sites located within the same energy market jurisdiction as their energy usage. 

What’s also extremely important is third-party verification. It isn’t enough anymore to simply make unsubstantiated claims. Bringing in external bodies helps ensure that an I-REC system is being used correctly and that a company’s claims about the energy they use are reliable. To make their claims credible, companies should have a third party verify their redemptions and verify that the correct number and type of I-RECs have been redeemed.

By using I-RECs correctly, companies can not only make a conscious, transparent and evidence-based choice to lower their scope 2 emissions, but they can also enable the development of more renewable electricity installations. 

Companies are responsible for addressing their Scope 2 emissions in a way aligned with the current climate science. While this can be complex, with the proper guidance, it can be achieved. To find out more about how to develop a balanced strategy that ensures a real impact and avoids greenwashing, contact Atlas Renewable Energy today.  

In partnership with Castleberry Media, we are committed to taking care of our planet, therefore, this content is responsible with the environment.